A downloadable game for Windows and Linux


I made this game because I haven't seen many attempts to replicate the camera from Polybius. This started as a simple 2 keys shooter with a camera rotating around the vessel, but now has more stuff.

Aim with the mouse, shoot, dash, throw bombs and use shields. All to avoid and destroy the 11 waves of enemies. Then face a final boss that I consider my mini masterpiece


Credits for assets

Idea and Realization: Mautar55 ( ^_^)

Stages Music Tracks by Synapsis (azonerecords@live.com)
-Atrusion Fusion
-Here Come The Horses

Boss Music Loops by PartnersInRhyme  (www.partnersinrhyme.com)

Digital SFX set by Kenney Vleugels (www.kenney.nl)
Additional sound effects from (https://www.zapsplat.com)

Font "Final Frontier Old Style Font" from Allen R. Walden (Software Friends, Inc. © 1993)
Font "Ropa Sans" from Botjo Nikoltchev

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ  Made with Godot


WINDOWS executable 55 MB
LINUX executable 61 MB

Install instructions

For windows, is a portable .exe! So Double click and run it!

For Linux, is a portable binary! So Run it! (you know how)


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Nice game, for some reason it reminds me when I played Asteroid when I was child.